Example page for John R. D'Orazio's jQuery Clock plugin (version )

Clock that uses default options

This div will be turned into a dynamic clock

Clock that uses English, and string literals in the time

    "locale": "en",
    "timeFormat": `%It's% h %o'clock% A%,% i %minutes,% s %seconds and all is well!%`
This div will be turned into a dynamic clock

Clock that formats the date in a custom manner: {short day}, {short month} {date}{ordinal suffix}, {year} ({day of the week} - {day of the year} | {week of the year} | {leap year} )

  $("#clock3").clock({"dateFormat":"D, M jS, Y ( N - z | W | L )"});
This div will be turned into a dynamic clock

Clock without calendar, using 24 hour format and displaying milliseconds, timezone, daylight savings time (if applicable) and swatch time, updating every 50 ms

  $("#clock4").clock({"dateFormat":false,"timeFormat":"H:i:s.v e I (@B)","rate":50});
This div will be turned into a dynamic clock

Clock with custom timestamp (2 weeks, 2 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds ahead) and random language picked from all possible BCP 47 tags

  let customtimestamp = new Date();
  customtimestamp = customtimestamp.getTime();
  customtimestamp = customtimestamp+1123200000+10800000+14000;
  $("#clock5").clock({"timestamp": customtimestamp, "locale": randomLocale});
This div will be turned into a dynamic clock

The advantage of this clock plugin is that it can also handle a server timestamp! Unfortunately it is not possible to give an example of this on GitHub Pages.

But you can find a server generated timestamp example here: https://www.johnromanodorazio.com/jQueryClock.php